Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stop apologizing and start celebrating

I have tried to with hold my thoughts on our president and the current administration, but I can’t take it anymore. The comments president Obama made in Europe were a terrible mistake on his part. President Obama actually called America arrogant! He said we need to embrace our European allies more than we do. President Obama, let me give you a history lesson.

· The United States bailed Europe out of WWI
· The United States Bailed Europe out of WWII
· The United States bailed France out of Vietnam
· The United States protected Western Europe’s borders from the end of WWII until the fall of the Warsaw Pact in the late 80’s.
· The United States caused the fall of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany
· The United States is the first country to come to the aid of others during times of natural disaster, regardless of their international status

Is America arrogant? Your damn right we are Mr. President! We are the greatest nation on this planet. People come from all over the world to attend our colleges, earn our wages, and live our life style.

Mr. President never forget that if it wasn’t for this country you would not be who you are. You are the son of an immigrant who grew up in a broken home, under poor economic conditions and despite all of that, you have risen to the highest office in the land. You, Mr. President, are the Great American Story. Stop apologizing for it and start celebrating!

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