Monday, March 22, 2010

You, my friend, are pathetic!

After reading all the posts on Facebook this morning all I can say is, shame on you! Shame on you to all the people I know who are glad the health care bill passed because you say you can’t afford insurance. You are pathetic! I say this because I know you. I know that you make payments on that expensive car, you have a big screen TV, and you have every game console known to man. I know you have a car, motorcycle, and/or a boat. I know you eat out several times a week. I know you go to the club every weekend. I know your business is failing, but you still spent $5000 on that new piece of equipment just because all your friends did. Didn’t I watch you update your Facebook status with that new i-phone the other day?

Yes, you are pathetic! You don’t have an insurance problem; you have a “Priorities” problem.

Since you are my friend, and you think I’m being irrational, I’ll apologize…………when you show me a written copy of your last 12 months budget. That right! I’ll never have to apologize because people like you don’t make budgets and really have no idea what you can and can’t afford.

I'll be glad to pay for your insurance if you will let me control your family budget, your eating habits, and the amount of exercise you get each week.


  1. Amen! One of the problems with us today is we are way to PC. This post is perfect! If more people start calling out others on stupid behavior, maybe that behavior will stop. Maybe it will not, I do not know. But I do know that at minimum it will show that STUPID behavior is not acceptable.

  2. I know what you mean. Someone I know complains they can't contribute to a team and can't afford health insurance blah blah blah because they got laid off last year. In the next breath, they brag about getting their unemployment extended for the 4th time. This is the same person who showed off their new camera equipment to me and also said (when they lost their job) to me: "You aren't hiring are you?" When I said no, she almost jumped up and down and said, "Good. Can I put your name down as an interview so I can start drawing unemployment?" She was tickled to be laid off so she could go back to school. To me, this is also what's wrong with this country and the people in it. Entitlement.
